how to secure your phone on the water

Boat Phone Holder: Secure Your Phone on the Water

While primarily used for calling or texting, cell phones today are for much more than for making contact with others. These personal devices help us in everyday life to navigate the world, stay informed and have a sense of security. Cell phones can be convenient when boating, keeping you on the right course, helping you capture memories in pictures and keeping you connected in the event of an emergency. But is it safe to take your phone out on the water? Is it safe not to? 

Making sure you have the right equipment on a boat, like life rings or vests, keeps all the passengers safe, and having the right accessories for your cell phone is also a big part of keeping everyone safe. But there is more to a phone holder for than just safety. If you're on a boat, you are likely living an active lifestyle, fishing or swimming. Having a secure, dry space to stow your cell phone is important.  When you are operating a boat, you need a reliable boat phone mount that is still visible, and when you are fishing or playing water sports, you want your phone to stay secure, even when it's out of sight.

Here are some tips that can help keep you safe and connected while boating with a cell phone.

What's the best type of boat phone mount?

There are many clever gadgets on the market today, some designed exclusively to help with stowing your phone safely on a boat. But do they work, and if so, how well?

The Suction Devices

These types of phone holders stick to any flat surface or to the windshield using plastic or rubber suction cups. These devices may work okay in controlled environments. Still, when you add in elements of direct sunlight, extreme temperature changes, and exposure to water, the suction cups can, well…they can suck. They lose suction and fall off of the windshield or other flat surfaces. This can put your phone and possibly you in peril. If you're using a windshield mount, keeping your phone plugged in and charging can add even more complications with cords running through your line of sight or interfering with boat operations. 

The Caddies

These are great for holding your phone on still water and if your boat is not moving (which is probably never). These storage devices are little trays for your phone to sit in, like what you may have next to your bed, for storing your phone and your watch before sleeping. The caddies work great for solid land, but a moving boat? Probably not so much. These trays usually have an adhesive on the back to keep them from sliding around, but heat and moisture can break down the adhesive quickly. Let's face it, a caddy is basically like setting your phone down on any flat surface. The first big wave from another boat's wake, or a slight tip of the boat while you’re reeling in a big fish, and your phone is overboard.

The Mounts

The devices are far more stable and can come in a variety of types, from clipping onto a solid structure on the boat to nestling into a cup holder, like the Cell Phone Seat. These mounts are far more reliable, and the cup holder mounts are the easiest to install, and in a boat, you usually have enough cup holders that you can accommodate more than one phone mount. 

How can you protect your phone from the elements?

In addition to proper phone mount on your boat, storing it safely from the elements is also important. While many newer generations of cell phones claim to be water resistant, none are 100% waterproof, but there are several great options for keeping your phone dry while you enjoy the water. Many boaters are equipped with a "dry bag". These are specially designed bags that keep water out, no matter what. They are effective, but if you are trying to use your phone as you navigate the waters, the dry bag isn't very convenient. A better alternative is a clear plastic waterproof bag designed for the specific purpose of making your phone water friendly. These bags often include a floatation device, so in the event that your phone does go overboard, it won't sink to the bottom. For a quick fix, you can always place your phone inside a Ziploc baggie. These work well, and if you throw in a fishing bobber or two, it can save your device from sinking just as well as the fancy store-bought bags.

Other dangerous elements to protect your devices from are sun and heat. As many people learned the hard way, cell phones don't take well to direct sunlight. These devices can easily overheat, if exposed to too much heat for too long, rendering them useless. When boating, it's important to keep your device in the shade and out of direct sunlight. Even if it's hidden under a towel or in a bag, if it's in a hot spot, it could overheat. This is yet another reason why a good, stable cell phone mount is a great investment and can prove invaluable. With a solid mount like Cell Phone Seat, you can position your phone out of direct sunlight and have confidence knowing it will stay there.


If you are active on the water you need a solid and reliable phone mount for your boat. Cell phone Seat is a great investment in your safety, and it can take away the stress of trying to keep up with a device that is constantly shifting in the wake. With the Cell Phone Seat your phone stays secure and stays put. Cell Phone Seat can accommodate your phone in portrait or landscape, and it provides a space for plugging in your charger, keeping the cords out of your way. And the best thing about Cell Phone Seat? You never have to say, "hold my beer" when you make the big catch. The Cell Phone Seat installs in your cup holder and leaves room for the cup!

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